Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can cause people to experience sudden shifts in mood—it’s where you can fluctuate suddenly from periods of high energy and creativity to episodes of depression.
Depressive episodes can be short-lived or last for months, and manic and hypomanic periods are different in length.
It’s essential to diagnose bipolar disorder correctly; overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder can also be a concern.
Sometimes, bipolar disorder can exist alongside other mental health issues, which can complicate the situation.
Untreated bipolar disorder is linked to a high suicide rate.
If you wish to find out more about our treatment program for bipolar disorder, please fill out this form.

Signs and Indications of Bipolar Disorder

If you want to find out how to get help for a loved one or yourself, you must learn the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Manic symptoms can look like:

● Feeling too happy or excited.
● Having a lot of energy.
● Feeling restless or tense/uneasy.
● Having sleeping issues.
● Being easily irritated or annoyed.
● Experiencing racing thoughts.
● Overspending and other risky behavior.

Depressive episodes can be:

● Feeling incredibly sad, down, empty, or hopeless.
● Having low energy.
● Struggling with sleep.
● Changes in eating habits.
● Concentration problems.
● Feeling tired or slow.
● Suicidal thoughts.

Without treatment, symptoms of bipolar disorder worsen over time and create a constant risk.

How We Can Treat Bipolar Disorder

Our way of treating bipolar disorder focuses on helping people recover and reducing the probability of future episodes or relapse. We can introduce medication management and keep a close eye on your progress.

We also provide psychotherapy to help strengthen life skills.

We recognize warning signs specific to the person that might indicate risk for self-harm or suicide. We want to ensure the patient has a safety plan, and we immediately offer support when it’s needed.

Our treatment method goes beyond conventional practices in several ways. We implement holistic practices alongside therapy and psychiatric interventions—these can help patients cope with stress on their minds and bodies and provide lifelong and sustainable wellness strategies.

Turn to Us for Help

Please contact us for reliable support and guidance on your way towards improvement.
