Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a difficult condition, which leaves people grappling with focus, impulsivity, and emotional regulation.
Unfortunately, some look for relief in the darkest corners, and might turn to highly addictive and destructive stimulant, methamphetamine (meth).
Although meth initially appears to offer a temporary escape from ADHD symptoms, it ultimately worsens them, and leads to addiction and despair.
For an easier way, consider professional help.
Mind Restorative provides professional treatment for ADHD, with effective and expert methods.
Instead of investing time in self-treatment, consider relying on us for a comprehensive and reliable approach to address ADHD.

What is Methamphetamine (Meth)?

Methamphetamine, often called meth, crank, or ice, is a highly powerful stimulant that hijacks the central nervous system.
Even though meth is chemically similar to prescribed drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall, it cannot be legally prescribed.
Additionally, long-term use of methamphetamine can cause severe side effects despite initially causing a surge in neurotransmitters.
It includes; dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
This surge initially causes an increase in alertness, euphoria, and increased energy levels.

How Does Meth Affect Someone with ADHD?

How Does Meth Affect Someone with ADHD

When people with ADHD use methamphetamine, the stimulating effects can interact with their existing neurobiological vulnerabilities.
Although meth’s effects on dopamine might temporarily reduce some ADHD symptoms, it almost always has harmful consequences.
Methamphetamine can initially provide a temporary improvement in focus and attention for people with ADHD due to its stimulating effects on neurotransmitters like dopamine.
However, using methamphetamine to self-medicate ADHD is highly dangerous and counterproductive.
Meth use for a prolonged period of time can have serious consequences, such as:

Worsening ADHD Symptoms

Over time, methamphetamine can worsen ADHD symptoms rather than improve them.
This causes restlessness, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating when not under the influence of the drug.

Risk of Addiction

Methamphetamine is highly addictive, and those with ADHD are not immune to the risk of developing substance abuse issues.
Dependence and addiction can quickly become serious problems.

Physical and Mental Health Risks

Chronic use of methamphetamine has been linked to different health risks, like:
●Cardiovascular issues.
●Dental problems.
●Mental health disorders like anxiety and psychosis.

Does Meth Make You Hyper?

Methamphetamine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that produces a high level of activity and hyperarousal.
Methamphetamine increases the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain, causing states of euphoria, more alertness, and elevated energy levels.
This heightened state of arousal causes hyperactive behavior, as well as restlessness, talkativeness, and a tendency to engage in repetitive or compulsive behavior.

Why Are People with ADHD Prone to Meth Addiction?

People with ADHD often have lower levels of dopamine — a neurotransmitter linked to motivation and reward, compared to those without ADHD.
This dopamine deficiency can make people more susceptible to meth addiction as they try to compensate for these lower levels.
Especially in young adults with ADHD, there is a desire to achieve a sense of calm, causing a constant urge to use meth.
Contrary to expectations, methamphetamine is causing acute effects in some individuals and some say, “meth making me sleepy”.
The intense hyperactivity experienced by individuals with ADHD can be physically and mentally draining.
In search of relief, the calming and focusing effects of meth can be seen as a solution to escape these exhausting symptoms.

Treatment Options for ADHD Patients with Meth Addiction

Professional treatments are essential when dealing with co-occurring disorders.
Here are several effective treatment options for individuals facing both meth addiction and ADHD challenges.

Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment

You can choose a comprehensive treatment program that addresses both ADHD and meth addiction simultaneously.
A custom approach can meet the specific needs of people with co-occurring disorders.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Learn about medications that can help you cope with ADHD symptoms and recover from meth addiction.
MAT is often combined with behavioral therapies for a holistic treatment approach.
Some people consider using l-theanine for ADHD as a potential supplement to help manage it.

Behavioral Therapy

Participate in behavioral therapies, like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
It can help people develop coping strategies, manage impulsive behaviors, and address underlying issues.

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Participate in one-to-one counseling or psychotherapy sessions to explore the root causes of addiction and provide support for managing ADHD symptoms in a therapeutic setting.

Side Effects of Methamphetamine Use

There are numerous side effects associated with the use of methamphetamine, which is important to know about.
Methamphetamine users report side effects such as:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Decreased appetite resulting in weight loss.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Impaired cognitive function.
  • Severe dental problems .

Let’s Recap

If you have ADHD and want help, using methamphetamine is not a good idea.
It might seem like it helps at first, but it’s not safe.
It’s important to understand how ADHD and meth use can interact and cause more problems.
To make informed choices about treatment, it’s essential to learn about these things and get help from professionals.
Look for healthier ways to manage ADHD that focus on your long-term health rather than quick fixes.
So, you can rely on us — feel free to contact us today.


How to parent a child with ADHD and autism?

Parenting a child with ADHD and autism requires patience, consistency, and personalized strategies.
Moreover, you must address both conditions, maintaining a supportive and understanding environment.

Is ADHD a disability when applying for a job?

ADHD is considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and people with ADHD are protected from discrimination in the workplace.
Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to support employees with ADHD.

How to reduce impulsivity in ADHD child?

Reducing impulsivity in an ADHD child involves:

  • Implementing structured routines.
  • Clear expectations.
  • Positive reinforcement.
  • Along with teaching and reinforcing self-control strategies.

Additionally, working closely with teachers and healthcare professionals to create a supportive environment can be beneficial.

Do drugs work if you have ADHD?

Medications, such as stimulants (e.g., methylphenidate, amphetamines) and non-stimulants (e.g., atomoxetine, guanfacine), are commonly prescribed and can be effective in managing symptoms of ADHD.
Some medications are more effective than others, however.

Is meth used to treat ADHD?

No, meth is not used as a standard or approved treatment for ADHD.
Medications prescribed for ADHD are usually stimulants.

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